Author Archives: admin


Three Charged in Bingo Scandal

Updated : March 25, 2014

Imagine playing bingo at a school organization, believing that everything is on the up and up and that some proceeds would go to charity, only to discover that funds had been misused. That’s what happened to the community of Mansfield, Ohio, where a group of three individuals are being charged in a bingo scandal. Continue reading


After Nearly 50 Years of Playing Bingo, Great Grandmother Wins Massive Jackpot

Updated : March 5, 2014

We’ve all been there: Wondering whether it’s worthwhile to continue playing bingo, enjoying a win here and a win there, but never really hitting it big. Yet despite winning mediocre amounts, we enjoy the game of bingo so much that we keep on playing. That’s what happened to one great grandmother, until just a short time ago, she won the jackpot of her dreams.

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